Faculty of Agriculture UGM Plants 1,000 Robusta Coffee Seeds on Mount Gambar


The Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, UGM implemented a program of planting 1,000 coffee seedlings in Gunung Gambar, Ngawen, Gunungkidul.

The tree planting program is part of the community service activities of the UGM Agricultural Cultivation Department. In this activity, 1,000 seeds of robusta propelegitim BP42x358 and hibiro coffee were planted. In addition, fruit and banyan seeds were also planted.

The head of the service team of the Department of Agronomy UGM, Ir. Supriyanta, MP., explained that this pioneering service in Gunung Gambar has been started since 2018 with the cultivation of coffee plants, before in 2021 it was upgraded to the Village Partner of Department of Agronomy UGM (Program Desa Mitra Dampingan Departemen Budidaya Pertanian UGM).

The Head of the Department of Agronomy, Rani Agustina Wulandari, Ph.D., expressed her gratitude to Panewu Ngawen, the Village Head and the Gunung Gambar community for working together to make the tree planting program a success. This step is an effort to green Mount Gambar and its surroundings with productive plants for land conservation and improving community welfare.

While the Vice Dean for Academics and Student Affairs, Dr. Rudi Hari Murti, said that the Faculty of Agriculture had an MoU with Kapanewon Ngawen in the tridharma activities of higher education. In this way, activities are not only limited to matters of service. However, the collaboration can be further expanded both for student learning (independent learning on an independent campus) and also for lecturer/student research.

The tree planting activity was attended by Penewu Ngawen, Soegito, S.H. , M.H. , Village Head, Suparna, S.E., Head of Gunung Gambar, Suharmi, Head of Pringombo, Ris. Panewu Ngawen expressed his gratitude for choosing Mount Gambar and its surroundings as the location for service and assistance. He hoped that this activity would not stop at planting trees, but that there would be continuous assistance until harvest time. In addition, it is also expected to be able to increase tourist destinations in Wonosari on the north side which has stunning views.

The tree planting got a quite positive response from the residents. In addition to local residents, tree planting activities are also supported by many communities, including Resan Gunungkidul and SeTan (sedulur tandur) Wonogiri. (KRS)

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