Dr. Taryono, who is currently the Head of PIAT UGM, received an award at the 2021 Indonesian Breeder Award (IBA) event. The IBA award for the Germplasm Conservation Sector category was given to the Vegetable Genetic Resources Bank + PIAT.
IBA is an activity held by the Indonesian Breeding Science Association (PERIPI) since 2019. In the second event this year, IBA was held by PERIPI in collaboration with IPB University and PT East-West Seed Indonesia (EWINDO). The award presentation at the IPB International Convention Center, West Java, on Tuesday (16/11/2021).
IBA is a form of appreciation to plant breeders who have dedicated their lives to assembling superior varieties that can add economic value and welfare to farmers. PIAT UGM won an award as a supporter of the progress of germplasm conservation in Indonesia. Dr. Taryono expressed his hope that UGM could be more involved in managing and utilizing genetic resources.