Salatiga, 25-27 July 2023 – Lecturers and Educational Staff of the Department of Agronomy UGM carried out a Consignment activity that was held at the Laras Asri Hotel Salatiga. This consignment activities in 2023 consist of Lecturers and Educational Staffs Meetings and field trips.
There are 7 (seven) main agenda to be discussed in the Lecturer Meeting namely The Departmental Strategic Plan which discussed the translation of each program into real activities and adjustments to the 2023-2024 RKAT, the next discussion was related to the 2024 Curriculum Change Plan, Compilation of Undergraduate and Masters Lecture Schedules, Evaluation and improvement plans for Masters programs, Plans for Laboratory activities Management of Plant Production and Plant Breeding, Evaluation of MBKM Implementation, and Study Program Quality Assurance.
While the agenda discussed at the Educational Staffs meeting of the Department of Agronomy was related to the activation of the Digital Information System (SID) for services and laboratories, SID is a system designed by the Department of Agronomy in order to accelerate administrative services that are digitally integrated. Furthermore, it was related to administrative and laboratory administration operational standards (SOP), and also proposed educational staff activities.
This time’s consignment carries the theme “Spirit of Achievement” which is a shared spirit for the Department of Agricultural Cultivation to continue to provide excellent performance in practicing the Tri Dharma of the University.
In this consignment, the educational staff of the Department of Agronomy also visited CV Everfresh, a business engaged in the production of horticultural seeds. The educational staff were given the opportunity to learn about business opportunities and how to cultivate horticulture plants from the owner, Mr. Siswanto. The following day, Mr. Siswanto was also invited to the Laras Asri Hotel to share his success story with Lecturers and educational staff. It is hoped that Mr. Siswanto’s story can inspire the educational staff of the Department of Agronomy to become businessmen, especially in their spare time when they retire later.
This consignment was also a moment for lecturers and staff to carry out field trips to Babadan Magelang Hamlet, the intention of the Department of Agronomy visit this place was to review the conditions of Merapi coffee cultivation in Babadan which is managed by the Tumpangsari Farmers Group. The cultivation and processing of Merapi coffee in Babadan are relatively simple. Nonetheless, the production of coffee powder managed by Mr. Poni and his son Slamet has been able to penetrate various markets and has participated in various coffee festivals.
Rani Agustina Wulandari as Chair of the Department of Agronomy hoped that after observing the gardens and the conditions of the people in Babadan, there will be an opportunity to become a Partner Village that will be developed and assisted together in the context of practicing the Tridharma. Dody Kastono and also Prof. Didik Indradewa a lecturer who has been involved in the field of coffee commodities and annual crops for a long time also observed and gave directions to Slamet regarding coffee cultivation and processing.